Amalia Polydoropoulou
Dr. Amalia Polydoropoulou is Professor at the Department of Shipping and Business Services and Director of the Postgraduate Programme in Shipping, Transport and International Trade (MA.M.E.), as well as Director of the Transport and Decision Making Laboratory (TML) at the University of the Aegean. During the period 2014-2018, she served as Deputy Rector of Research, Development, Economic Planning and Infrastructure of the University of the Aegean. She holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens and an MSc and PhD in Transportation Systems from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prof. A. Polydoropoulou has research expertise in the areas of Transportation Systems Analysis, Data, Models and Decision Making, Demand Pattern Estimation, Applied Econometrics, Combined Transport, Market Analysis, Questionnaires and Sampling Techniques, Service Marketing, Transportation Economics, Logistics and Climate Change. He has extensive experience in designing revealed and revealed preference surveys, behavioural study methodologies and big data analysis in smart cities. He has conducted global market research, developed econometric models for predicting behavior and willingness to pay, as well as business models, regarding new modes of transportation such as Autonomous Vehicles, Drones, Mobility as a Service, Vehicle Sharing, Active Transportation, Micromobility, Last Mile Deliveries, etc. Since 2019 she is the Scientific Manager of the National Research Infrastructure in Shipping, Transport and Logistics EN.I.R.I.S.S.T and since 2020 of EN.I.R.I.S.S.T+ in Greece. He has published more than 200 scientific papers in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings, She has participated as Project Coordinator or Work Package Leader in many national and European research projects such as Spine, Gemini, Greenlog, Climas, Resports, Frontier, We-Transform, HARMONY, WISE-ACT, MaaS4EU, MaaS4EU, OPTIMUM, USMART, GRETIA, HERMES, INNOSUTRA, PACTS, iPORTS, POET, SLIM-VRT, URIT. As a consultant, he has worked with numerous private companies and public agencies in the transport sector, such as Rand Europe NL, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, IBI Group, International Port Managers (IPM), CERN.
Intelligent Research Infrastructure in Shipping, Supply Chain and Transport ( EN.I.R.I.I.S.S.T+)
This presentation presents the National Research Infrastructure in Shipping, Supply Chain, and Transport ( EN.I.R.I.R.I.S.S.T+).