
CEPE – Economy & Society

Prodromos-Ioannis Prodromidis

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Planning and Economic Research (KEPE)

Received a BA from the Athens Univ. Economics and Business (AUEB), two MAs from the Pennsylvania State Univ., and a PhD from the Univ. of Essex. Lectured at the National Univ. of Ireland – UCC, the AUEB, the Univ. of Cyprus, the Open Univ. of Cyprus, and the Hellenic Open Univ. Coordinated research projects and analyses for Greece’s Ministry of Development, Ministry of Finance, the Region of Western Greece, the Region of the Peloponnese and others; and represented Greece at the OECD’s Territorial Development Policy Committee. Published works deal with labor economic, spatial and regional, as well as sectoral, market, and broader (macro) economic issues. Awarded first prize by the Academy of Athens for a monograph on micro-regional economics. For additional information see http://www.kepe.gr/index.php/el/profil-cb/userprofile/pjprodr.

Proposal for the creation of a Smart and Climate Neutral City Observatory

The Observatory will collect and use primary data and secondary statistics regarding the local economy, society, environment, and development prospects, in order to: (a) Document and monitor changes in the local economy, society, and environment; assess the state of affairs or the impact policy interventions on all three (for none should be ignored); provide feedback on the progress of the Smart Cities Mission (SCM); identify deviations from goals set in the SCM and other strategies and projects; and help policy makers adjust their plans wherever needed. (b) Carry out in depth analyses regarding connections, causalities, correlations, as well as the effects of the variables considered. In this spirit, the anonymized data may be made available to third parties (e.g., academics, students writing their theses, other analysts) interested in using the data to carry out empirical analyses, under the condition that a copy of the findings will be submitted to the Observatory so that it may be available to (and benefit) the local community.

Thus, the Observatory will provide useful information on crucial aspects of the city’s wellbeing to (i) the local government, (ii) the local chambers and associations, (iii) local residents and businesses, and (iv) the community at large, so that they may all reach better informed decisions. It will also operate as a data and knowledge hub regarding Kalamata’s past, present, and future. It will: (a) Create a collection / library / repository of analyses on the local economy, society, environment, and related issues. (b) Gather good practices and ideas from the international literature. (c) Set up additional e-tools (e.g., to map the flows of goods, services, profits and pollutants (inputs and outputs) along the value chain, or collect and help match needs, views and ideas expressed by citizens with university units, researcher centers, authorities and companies that may develop environmental or public-sector solutions or new eco-friendly market products).

pjprodr [at] kepe.gr