Energy and Environment
Kazantzidis Andreas
Andreas Kazantzidis is Director of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Professor at the Department of Physics of the University of Patras. His scientific interests include the estimation and prediction of various atmospheric parameters through the synergy of theoretical models and measurements. His experimental experience includes the monitoring of atmospheric parameters with various types of instruments as well as data analysis and quality and reliability control procedures of atmospheric measurements. He is a member of the International Ozone Commission, the committee of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics that oversees the study of ozone and its effects.
Particulate matter: its role in climate and air quality
Particulate matter in the atmosphere plays an important role in both climate and air quality. Their measurement by different sensors and modelling of physico-chemical processes are important for management, strategy setting and decision making. The presentation presents a review of the main climate and health impacts and the requirements for air quality monitoring in the urban environment.